This was the most stunning girl in the world 13 years ago; how does she now compare?

Thirlane Bilodeau was given the title of ‘prettiest girl in the world’ when she was just six years old.

If her name means nothing to you, then you should check out some of the pictures from when she was younger to realize how many times you have seen this little beauty.


Today, we’ll inform you about the girl’s current lifestyle, appearance, and whether or not she kept up her modeling profession.

Thirlane came from a wealthy and illustrious family in 2001. His father plays football, while his mother is a French model.

At the age of 4, Thirlane made her debut on the catwalks during a fashion presentation.


The child quickly gained recognition for its beauty.

Her face was on the covers of the biggest publications when she was just 10 years old, something that many adult models could only hope for.

The young woman was invited to the international modeling firm ono Models when she was 12 and later got a contract there.

As a girly girl as well as a young model. Consequently, a lovely and nice girl was able to win the title of most beautiful girl on the planet.

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