Kristal, a 23-year-old mother of 11, lives, and will she truly be able to raise 100 children?

‘There are never many children in a family,’ Kristal, who became a mother of 11 children at the age of 23, is likely to believe.

She recently married a Turkish millionaire. And now, the girl and her husband want to have a hundred children.


Continue reading to find out where a woman with several children has such thoughts and how she will accomplish her dream.

Kristal became a mother for the first time when she was only 17 years old. Kristal took her 5-year-old daughter on vacation when she was 5.

A single mother met a wealthy man in the city of Batumi.

Kristal felt deeply in love with her husband. He impressed her as a kindred spirit. The girl wants to have a hundred children with Ahmet.


It may appear impossible to some, but the couples are already on their way. They initially decided that Kristal would try every year.

Kristal, despite her young age, definitely understands how to raise children.

She watches babies’ nutrition, follows all doctor’s orders, and develops her own approach to each.

Kristal and Ahmet’s children follow an exact regimen. They, for example, go to bed around 8 p.m. and wake up at 6 a.m.

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